
This page displays all fallyGrab versions from Softpedia
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All fallyGrab versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version:
  • File size: 424 KB
  • Date Added: 2014-30-06
Download fallyGrab fallyGrab

fallyGrab Description

fallyGrab is an application designed to assist users in taking screenshots with ease. Each time a snapshot is captured a link to it is generated and stored to clipboard. Therefore, users can simply paste it wherever they want to share the image.The utility runs in the system tray and you can access all its commands from there. If you need to upload images to Facebook, Imageshack, to a FTP server or to Dropbox, then fallyGrab is a suitable solution for you.Keyboard shortcuts featured in the application are meant to simplify the process of capturing screenshots and sharing them. However, they are not fully customizable, as you can only modify one of the three elements that make up each keyboard combination.The Preferences window of fallyGrab is the section you have to access in order to set the tool to better suit your needs. Here, you can define an output path for your images, as well as choose the default action for the tray icon. In this way, you can set it to open the storage location, the history manager or the preferences window by double-clicking it.Another handy feature of the application is the possibility to choose the preferred image format. However, there are only two available, namely JPG and PNG, which should probably suffice for most users.If you need to track all the performed actions, you can access the integrated history manager. Furthermore, fallyGrab lets you explore a detailed error log at any time.Along with the possibility to upload screenshots and snippets, you are also provided with the option to export chosen files from your PC to Facebook, to an FTP server or to Dropbox. This can be done by accessing the Upload file function from the system tray. You can browse your system for the item you are interested in and quickly upload it via the preferred method.All in all, fallyGrab is handy and reliable as a means of capturing and sharing screenshots. It includes multiple features in order to meet basic and even some slightly more sophisticated needs. �.You can free download fallyGrab from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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