
This page displays all ScrnSnap versions from Softpedia
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All ScrnSnap versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version:
  • File size: 517 KB
  • Date Added: 2013-21-12
Download ScrnSnap ScrnSnap

ScrnSnap Description

ScrnSnap is a simple yet reliable piece of software designed to provide you with an efficient means of grabbing screenshots, in just a few key presses. The application is fairly easy to work with, allowing you to set the hotkeys you want to use for capturing images.ScrnSnap provides you with three distinct functioning modes, each with their own characteristics. As such, you can capture 'Full Screen' images, that will include all the items present on your desktop; the 'Active Window' utility will only grab a picture of the currently used window. The 'Custom Region' enables you to manually select the area that you want to capture. An interesting component is the 'Web Capture' function. By entering the complete URL address of a web site, you can obtain a screenshot of the whole page. The snapped picture will be saved instantly to a previously set location, the default path being your desktop. The program also supports 'Capturing Delay', meaning you can set for a number of milliseconds to pass, before ScrnSnap takes the snapshot.Moreover, ScrnSnap offers a 'Webcam Capture' tool, so you can grab images from a detected web camera, with just one push of a button. The 'Win Object Capture' feature makes use of Win32 API and enables you to obtain a screenshot of your Windows objects using colored rectangles to grab the handles. ScrnSnap has an 'Upload to FTP' function, which allows you to automatically send any grabbed picture to your FTP account. Similarly, the 'Upload to Imgur' feature enables you to instantly save your images to, providing you with the corresponding URL address.Being a portable utility, ScrnSnap will not create any registry entries on your system. Additionally, you can remove it simply by deleting its containing folder. At the same time, this means you can carry ScrnSnap with you on a USB stick or memory card, allowing you to use it on any computer.ScrnSnap is a great tool, that can come in handy when you need to capture snapshots, while the multiple features and functions it offers make it a useful application for anyone. �.You can free download ScrnSnap from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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