Galactic Command Echo Squad SE

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All Galactic Command Echo Squad SE versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Galactic Command Echo Squad SE

  • OS:
  • Version: 2.11.02
  • File size: 666.00 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-15-03
Download Galactic Command Echo Squad SE Galactic Command Echo Squad SE

Galactic Command Echo Squad SE Description

Galactic Command Echo Squad SE is a space combat game with strategy and simulation elements where you'll be able to explore the universe while fighting for survival. The game is actually a remastered version of the Galactic Command game created especially for Steam. The game is played both in space and on various planets in the Universe. You will have to complete various missions, most of them involving space combat. In order to be successful you will also have to use your tactical skills. You will play as a fighter pilot and the commander of an Echo Squad. You'll be assigned to a International Space Station that orbits around the planet Titan. Here are some key features of"Galactic Command Echo Squad SE":New DirectX 9 based high definition space terrain rendering engine with support for Shader Model 2.0 and various high end effects such as motion blur, tone mapping, High Dynamic Range lighting, per-pixel lighting, texture filtering (e.g. Anisotropic), anti-aliasing (FSAA), environment mapping, normal maps and various shader based special effects.Native support for 16:9 and 16:10 widescreen monitors with native 1280x720 (720p) and 1920x1080 (1080i/p) resolution support.High definition planetary terrain rendering engine supporting very large surface areas. Technologies include reflections, volumetric clouds, dynamic 24hr time of day effects (including realistic star constellations in the night sky), dynamic weather patterns (snow, storms etc), many mission specific populated areas etc.Large seamless space and planetary game world provides the ability to conduct missions in both space and on planets (no window dressing here; yes, you can actually go on planets!).Advanced flight dynamics engine.Advanced orders system for your wingmen.Various play modes including a thrilling campaign, several instant action missions as well as a sandbox mode allowing access to space and planetary worlds.Fully functional 3D cockpits!In game access to the keyboard commands, game manual, tutorial documents and galaxy map.Support for USB joysticks as well as native support for most analog game pads (e.g. Logitech Dual-Action) and the XBox 360 controller for Windows (with rumble support!).Advanced AI engine with NPC characters (also player's wingmen) who act intelligently and react to combat conditions around them.Advanced mission system with real-time adjusted variables based on AI which ensures that the same scenario always plays differently.Multiplayer client-server engine supporting up to thirty-two players with in-game server browser with deathmatch and co-op gameplay modes in space and on planets. Requirements:OS: Windows XP SP2 / 7 SP1 / 8Processor: Quad CoreMemory: 4 GB RAMVideo: DirectX compliant with 2GB memoryDirectX: Version 9.0cNetwork: Broadband Internet connectionHard Drive: 1 GB available spaceSound Card: DirectX compliant Limitations:Limited game play �.You can free download Galactic Command Echo Squad SE from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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