Hover tank 3D

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All Hover tank 3D versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Hover tank 3D

  • OS:
  • Version: 8.7c
  • File size: 14.40 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-31-03
Download Hover tank 3D Hover tank 3D

Hover tank 3D Description

Hover Tank 3D was my first foray into 3D gaming with Game Maker. Aside from playing around with the 3D functions by first (unsuccessfully) attempting to transform Aster Blaster into a 3D game, the 3D hovering tank was my first real 3D game.The 3D tank design was based on a thought I had many years ago, back in the 90's, when StarFox (SNES) had first come out, and the console industry was taking it's first initial attempts at the third dimension gaming. After weeks of playing StarFox, and months of drawing perspective drawings, I began to render some images of a floating, polygonal tank.The first drawing I made also included the pointy trees that are found in the game, along a long brick path. I was quite proud of myself at the time, and followed up with other drawings of polygonal vehicles, but none ever stuck with me like the tank drawing.Jump ahead to 2005, and I am coming off of a few projects that just couldn't hold my attention. I had never tried the 3D functions of Game Maker 6.1 before, but they had been in the program for a while. I play around with them, and eventually wind up importing a model from my 3D modelling program, Truespace 5 (by hand).I use some slightly modified movement code from Aster Blaster's space ship, and the tank's physics are born. It wasn't really more than a movement engine, but I wanted to see what others thought, so I posted it on the GMC. Seeing as my last game, Cannon Canyon, had not generated much buzz, I didn't expect much for this demo either.Poeple on the forum did notice it, and (I think) enjoy it too, and I began adding a lot more stuff to it, learning many new things about the 3D functions of Game maker as I went.Along the way, many things were thought of, attempted, added, and removed. Some people suggested things like multiplayer, which I really thought would be great, but which seemed beyond my ability.Many of these types of things eventually found their way into the game, and in a much better way than I ever thought they would.Many times, I was reluctant to change things, only to find that, once changed, the game was noticeably better.Overall, I think programming Hover Tank 3D helped me to become a much better programmer than I was before, and certainly has kept me interested in programming 3D games in the future. At the very least, it has proven to me the Game Maker is capable of great things. With this said, enjoy! �.You can free download Hover tank 3D from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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