TimeSheet Calculator

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All TimeSheet Calculator versions from Softpedia sources and versions

TimeSheet Calculator

  • OS: Windows All
  • Version: 3.53
  • File size: 1.8 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-22-08
Download TimeSheet Calculator TimeSheet Calculator

TimeSheet Calculator Description

TimeSheet Calculator is a lightweight software utility specifically developed to help you compute the hours you work and the money you earn in one or several days.Deduct hours, minutes and secondsThe application combines a time calculator and a punch in or out clock. The time calculator allows you to calculate exactly the amount of time that you have spend working. You can calculate time by the hour, minute and second because you have the possibility to select the preferred format. Thus, this can be the fastest tool for adding and subtracting time without having to convert to decimal. Plus, you can check if your calculations are correct by pressing the 'More' button and displaying the register tape window.Keep track of your daily earningsThe second utility included in the program is a punch in or out clock which you can use to enter the time when you start work and when you get up from your desk and head for home. With it, you can have an idea of the grand total of hours you have worked, your salary, the amount of money received when working overtime and the total sum of all your revenues, as well as calculate the pay rate per hour. Every time you calculate the income for a given day, you can add comments and save the timesheet. A useful feature that the application provides you with is that you can skip weekends when calculating your total earnings. In addition to this, you can include holidays, sick, personal or vacation days in your calculations.Reliable and real-time income calculatorTo sum up, TimeSheet Calculator is a very easy-to-use software application that addresses all types of users due to it's intuitive layout. The application not only stores data within it's database but also allows you to preview and print timesheets. �.You can free download TimeSheet Calculator from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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