FileSearchy 0.93

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All FileSearchy 0.93 versions from Softpedia sources and versions

FileSearchy 0.93

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: Beta
  • File size: 7.6 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-23-12
Download FileSearchy 0.93 FileSearchy 0.93

FileSearchy 0.93 Description

FileSearchy is an easy to use application functioning as an advanced file searcher, allowing you to instantly locate a misplaced document, using your own rules.The program enables you to search through extensive folders for a specific document, with its partial or whole name as a keyword. It lets you to perform multiple searches, by opening numerous tabs in its main window.You can set the target directory, then press 'Search', and the application will almost immediately return a list of results, featuring all the files containing the input keyword in their name. In addition, you can set an exclusion list, so the search results do not include items of no interest to you.Moreover, you can search for a word or expression in the contents of a file, including PDFs and Microsoft Office formats, without requiring any additional software to be installed on your system.FileSearchy also provides you with a 'Modified between' mode, that enables you to set specific dates between which your target files should have been accessed and changed. This can prove particularly useful if you have recently worked on a file, but can no longer remember its location, or the software you used in to modify it did not save it in the regular folders. Similarly, the application enables you to set a size criterion, preventing documents that exceed or are under certain dimensions (B, KB, MB or GB) to be displayed in the search results. An interesting feature of FileSearchy is its ability to integrate into the Windows context menu, so you can to search through the contents of a folder by right-clicking it and selecting the 'Search with FileSearchy' option.With FileSearchy, you can quickly locate any file you need, by performing targeted search operations, allowing you to save valuable time and effort in the process, increasing your work efficiency. �.You can free download FileSearchy 0.93 from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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