
This page displays all Kindlian versions from Softpedia
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All Kindlian versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version:
  • File size: 7.5 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-18-01
Download Kindlian Kindlian

Kindlian Description

If you own a Kindle device, you probably already discovered all its perks and advantages, after having already read several ebooks. However, if you want to quickly manage your items or modify their metadata, you might still prefer using a computer, so Kindlian could come in handy. The application needs .NET Framework 4.0 in order to function, so make sure it is already installed on your computer before running it. In addition, you need to connect your Kindle device to the computer using its dedicated USB cable. The application supports Kindle 3 (Keyboard), Kindle 4, Kindle 5, Kindle Touch and Kindle Paperwhite. Due to Kindlian, you will be able to effortlessly manage your MOBI, AZW or PDF ebooks, organize them, as well as modify their metadata (various information such as the book title and author, its cover, description or publisher). Additionally, you can even convert your EPUB, FB2 or HTML ebooks to MOBI, by simply adding it to Kindle using Kindlian. Another task supported by the application is accessing the contents of the ebooks, however it will only launch the default ebook reader on your PC, rather than open the book’s contents. Furthermore, you can rely on Kindlian to rename Kindle collections even if they are not in English, as is typically supported by the device. You can also move ebooks to other collections by simply dragging and dropping them onto the collection name. All in all, Kindlian can help you easily manage your ebooks, sort or search them, as well as modify their titles or authors. If you do not own a lot of ebooks, the application can be a great help, but if you want to be able to manage numerous items you will need to purchase a license. �.You can free download Kindlian from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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