Pagico Professional 6.6

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All Pagico Professional 6.6 versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Pagico Professional 6.6

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: r1600
  • File size: 42.1 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-24-06
Download Pagico Professional 6.6 Pagico Professional 6.6

Pagico Professional 6.6 Description

Regardless of the activity or business you are running, a careful management of time brings you at least one step closer to success. This can be done in various ways and with the help of specialized applications it becomes both practical and easy. Pagico Professional is one of them and promises to help you create tasks and organize your events.Store tasks and schedules in a databaseOne of the first things you need to consider when running the application is creating a new database, which is also imperative. Once this is done, all features become available and you are free to start creating tasks.Requiring only a name and date, these are easily created and stored in a side panel fitted with customizable directories. Moreover, a dashboard displays a timeline view of your active tasks, sorted out by categories. Additionally, an info panel shows you what the given day's activities are.Customize your collection and keep track of contactsYou are able to add nearly any file from your computer as an attachment to a task, in case it is required. A note can also provide support, with the possibility to leave comments to better communicate with your team.Furthermore, created tasks can be quickly accessed from the previously mentioned panel, where a library is equipped by default with several folders. You can edit and create new ones in order to better distribute tasks around your team.Another useful feature the application lets you take advantage of is a contacts manager. The only requirement when adding a new entry is a name. However, you can also add a picture to be associated with the given contact, as well as attachments.The interface features a pretty modern design, with animations for nearly any action and contrasting colors making elements clearly visible. Unfortunately, there are several missing features that slightly limit it. Reminders are difficult to set, and you might end up counting on an alert and risk missing an appointment.In conclusionTo sum it up, Pagico Professional is a trustworthy application with the help of which managing time is a less difficult task. The timeline view offers enough details regarding upcoming and ongoing events, while the friendly interface makes it accessible to even the most inexperienced. Read an in-depth analysis in our professional review for Pagico Professional �.You can free download Pagico Professional 6.6 from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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