Tibia Universal MC .NET 1.0.2

This page displays all Tibia Universal MC .NET 1.0.2 versions from Brothersoft
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All Tibia Universal MC .NET 1.0.2 versions from Brothersoft sources and versions

Tibia Universal MC .NET 1.0.2

  • OS: Windows 8/7/Vista/XP
  • Version: Beta
  • File size: 13KB
  • Date Added: 2013-23-07
Download Tibia Universal MC .NET 1.0.2 Tibia Universal MC .NET 1.0.2

Tibia Universal MC .NET 1.0.2 Description

TibiaMC uses the same technique used by DarkstaR to bypass Tibia's anti-multi client strategy. As long as Cipsoft doesn't change its way of preventing MC nor their executable class name, this tool should work regardless of the current stand-alone client version.

Most notable differences between TibiaMC and XenoMC are:

- It is purely .NET code, but contains several P/Invoke calls and unmanaged memory handling.
- Mainly targeting .NET developers rather than MC users.

- The possibility to Link the TibiaMC.dll to your application and run, for example, a new client with a button click through the method TibiaMC.MC.Open(path), where path is your desired tibia's executable path. Alternatively, you can pass a process as parameter, causing the dll to run the new client from the process.MainModule.FileName, i.e., run a new client from the same location as your parameter. �.You can free download Tibia Universal MC .NET 1.0.2 from Brothersoft now.
Source: Brothersoft

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Tibia Universal MC .NET 1.0.2


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