Bing Daily Wallpaper

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All Bing Daily Wallpaper versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Bing Daily Wallpaper

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 1.004
  • File size: 334 KB
  • Date Added: 2014-24-07
Download Bing Daily Wallpaper Bing Daily Wallpaper

Bing Daily Wallpaper Description

The background image of your desktop is usually a static one, especially if you prefer to have total control over what decorates the computer screen while you are using it. On the other hand, if you are looking for new things to admire in the background and you are out of ideas, you can make use of a software solution that provides you with a fresh wallpaper every day.Change the background image of your desktop every dayBing Daily Wallpaper is a software utility that allows you to constantly have new images on your desktop, bu taking them off the Internet using Bing's daily wallpaper utility. Thus, various pictures make their way onto your screen every day, most of them in full-HD resolutions and detailed enough to satisfy even the most pretentious eyes.To make matters even simpler, the application does not have a GUI or any other type of settings that you need to take care of, it just runs in the background and silently checks for any new wallpapers. Thanks to this, it manages to stay almost invisible when it comes to system resource consumption, allowing you to make full use of the computer at all times.View information about the provided picturesAs an extra feature, the utility overlays a text line containing a few details about the daily photo, such as title, author information and even a small description, in order to give you an idea about the circumstances surrounding the image in question. Unfortunately, this text might prove to be a bit distracting and annoying in some cases, especially since it is rather big and pretty badly positioned on the screen.Despite that, you can freely enjoy the best pictures of the day on your desktop, without having to navigate to various wallpaper websites around the world wide web. It is, however, a gamble when it comes to preferences, since not everyone shares the same opinion regarding photography.In conclusionAll in all, if you are looking for ways to freshen your desktop screen and you want to leave the task in the hands of technology, Bing Daily Wallpaper is a useful utility that can provide you with a new landscape every day. In addition, the low resource consumption and the absence of a GUI make it extremely easy-to-use for any user category, regardless of your experience level with computers. �.You can free download Bing Daily Wallpaper from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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