SQlite Administrator

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All SQlite Administrator versions from Softpedia sources and versions

SQlite Administrator

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 1.1
  • File size: 5.6 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-31-08
Download SQlite Administrator SQlite Administrator

SQlite Administrator Description

SQlite Administrator provides a forthright method to work with SQLite databases and manipulate their content. Focusing on functionality and ease of use, it enables you to explore the contents of such as database, while also bundling tools for executing queries and editing tables.Explore or built SQLite databasesThe number of similar applications out there is not negligible at all, ranging from simple database viewers to more complex software solutions that provide extensive data manipulation functions. This particular utility is somewhere in the middle of these two categories, standing out through the simple look and the straightforward GUI that makes database handling a lot easier. SQlite Administrator can be used either for exploring the contents of an existing database or creating a new database from scratch. Create tables, export records and execute queriesOf course, the latter function requires you to have prior knowledge related to SQL commands, their syntax and usage. You can easily create new tables containing custom records and save your new database on the local hard drive, as well as delete or rename tables as you feel consider fit.All the database tables are displayed in a list, allowing one-click access to the records, which are neatly displayed within an organized table in the right pane. Their content can be exported to CSV format and saved locally for later viewing.SQlite Administrator also comes with an integrated SQL query execution tool, where you can type in or paste a command and run it with just a click. There are filtering options that enable you to exclude certain entries from the query before executing it.A useful database management toolTrying to keep things as simple as possible, SQlite Administrator is a handy tool for those who are working with SQLite databases. Thanks to its plain looks and the clear functions, even beginners can use it to create a new database or browse the records of an existing one. �.You can free download SQlite Administrator from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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