
This page displays all Archiver versions from Softpedia
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All Archiver versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version:
  • File size: 9 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-25-02
Download Archiver Archiver

Archiver Description

Archiver is an advanced and reliable piece of software whose main purpose is to provide you with the ability to compress and decompress numerous archive formats, with the least amount of effort possible.Following an uneventful installation process, the program can optionally create a desktop shortcut to allow you access it more easily. Additionally, it also integrates in your Windows context menu, enabling you to quickly compress a selected file, with just two mouse clicks.The interface of Archiver is quite appealing and user-friendly, featuring all your system drives as toolbar buttons, so you can click on the targeted one and navigate to the folder or file that you wish to compress. At the same time, it can work with multiple tabs simultaneously, allowing you to switch back and forth between several folders.Archiver features a 'Quick Preview' function that enables you to view the contents of a file, be it image or document, in a small-sized window in the lower left corner. In order to compress one or more files, you can just select them, then choose the 'Add To Archive' option, with the preferred format (7Z, ZIP, TAR, BH, CAB, JAR and others) and the compression type ('Maximum', 'Fastest', 'Ultra', 'Normal' etc).Moreover, the utility enables you to copy, edit, move, rename or duplicate certain files, as well as shred or permanently delete them. Archiver also lets you share your files by sending them via email, or through Facebook and Flickr, as well as upload them to FTP / SFTP accounts. It can even serve as an explorer, thanks to its ability to easily navigate between the many directories on your computer.To conclude, Archiver is a comprehensive and efficient application designed to help you compress files to a variety of formats, as well as open and extract existing archives of several extensions. �.You can free download Archiver from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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