ecran internet

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All Ecran Internet versions from Softpedia sources and versions

ecran internet

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 26
  • File size: 20.4 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-25-08
Download ecran internet ecran internet

ecran internet Description

Based on the Gecko rendering engine, ecran internet is a portable web browser which primarily focuses on delivering a fast online navigation experience to all types of users.ecran internet's interface is represented by a standard window which can be switched to full screen mode, whose layout contains minimalistic features. Thus, the user can focus on online navigation alone, without having to configure additional options.The web browser supports multiple tabs, keyboard shortcuts and search engines (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Baidu and Yandex), which are available through the context menu of the search button. You can reload or print the current page, as well as view its source code in a plain text document. In addition to this, the application provides support for HTML5, Javascript and CSS3 and comes with a built-in, fast download manager.We have noticed an improvement concerning ecran internet's navigation speed, compared to the one of other web browsers. It doesn't show a status bar and takes just a few seconds to load a webpage with all its contents displayed (text, graphical and animation elements). Moreover, the utility uses a lower amount of CPU and system memory.The main advantage of a portable web browser is that it allows users to simply drop the program files on any computer with an active Internet connection and to run the executable file directly. In addition, you can store ecran internet on a USB flash drive or similar external device, and keep it in your pocket whenever you're on the move.From the technical perspective, the Windows Registry section does not receive new entries, and no files are left behind on the hard drive when removing the application. All in all, ecran internet is a web browser designed for users who prefer portability and speed to other features (e.g. mouse gestures, web history) when it comes to online surfing. �.You can free download ecran internet from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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