One Way Sync for Google Drive 1.00.0000

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All One Way Sync for Google Drive 1.00.0000 versions from Softpedia sources and versions

One Way Sync for Google Drive 1.00.0000

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Version: Beta
  • File size: 1.1 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-18-07
Download One Way Sync for Google Drive 1.00.0000 One Way Sync for Google Drive 1.00.0000

One Way Sync for Google Drive 1.00.0000 Description

One Way Sync for Google Drive is a useful and very easy to understand piece of software aimed to provide users with a reliable method for synchronizing all the data between their computer and the online storage account.Simple and unimpressive looksThe application features a rather basic interface with no noteworthy characteristics, potentially being rather unattractive, particularly for more demanding users.The main window displays two sections, one allowing users to indicate the source directories while the other logs every file that is synchronized or skipped.Select the source directories and upload them to Google Drive with a single clickOne Way Sync for Google Drive’s main advantage is the fact that it can upload entire folders to the storage account in one go, sparing users from having to perform this operation manually, one file at a time, which can prove quite time consuming.Once the source directories have been defined, users can press the ‘Run Selected Sync’ button and the utility will start uploading the documents one after the other, skipping items that have not changed since the last task was executed. The files are stored on Google Drive in a ‘OnyWaySync’ folder, so users can retrieve them whenever they need. A time-stamped log is displayed in the ‘Status’ panel, listing every file that is processed and informing users of the completion of the operation, when done.Handy as it may be, it is quite evident that One Way Sync for Google Drive is still in its development stage, as it offers users no customizable options to work with, such as the ability to choose whether they want unchanged files to be skipped or replaced. Similarly, users can only upload the files on demand, by pressing the dedicated button, as the utility features no scheduler to perform the task automatically.A no-nonsense tool for Google Drive synchronizationTo conclude, One Way Sync for Google Drive is an efficient and user-friendly program aimed to spare users from manually backing up their documents to Google Drive by performing the entire upload operation at the push of a button. �.You can free download One Way Sync for Google Drive 1.00.0000 from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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One Way Sync for Google Drive 1.00.0000


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