VinylMaster Pro

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All VinylMaster Pro versions from Softpedia sources and versions

VinylMaster Pro

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 4.0
  • File size: 222 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-12-03
Download VinylMaster Pro VinylMaster Pro

VinylMaster Pro Description

VinylMaster Pro is an advanced and reliable software utility developed to assist users in creating original signage artwork, with limited effort, allowing them to generate great quality results.Complex yet functional interfaceFollowing an installation of a fairly moderate length, users can run the application and select the 'Design Mode' they wish to work in, between 'Cutting Mode', 'Production Mode' and 'Expert Mode'; this can later be changed.The main window of VinylMaster Pro is quite comprehensive, featuring numerous buttons and panels that are meant to simplify users' work by placing all the popular tools and functions at their finger tips, while in the main screen they can use their imagination and create banners, posters and various other types of artwork.Start designing signs and customizing their appearanceThe program enables users to start working from scratch or base their project on an existing 'Template' in order to elude the tedious parts of their task and jump straight to the design. Users can create or import images and well as input text that they can adjust in terms of fonts, size, alignment type, colors and angle.Moreover, VinylMaster Pro allows users to use various 'Effects' on their artwork, such as 'Block Shadows', '3D Effects', 'Distortions' ('Fish', 'Squeeze', 'Envelope', 'Waves', 'Flag', 'Corner', 'Arc' and others).From the 'Tools' menu, users can access a wide range of components, namely 'Design Center' ('Align Tools', 'Step and Repeat', 'Circle array', 'Welding Tools', 'Pen Styles', etc), 'Object Manager', 'Property Inspector', 'Object Selector' and several more, whose purpose is to help users customize the appearance of their project.Reliable sign designerAll in all, VinylMaster Pro is a complex and efficient application which can successfully aid users in creating professional-looking signage and various types of banners or posters featuring both imagery and text, thus enabling them to reduce the amount of effort regularly entailed by this type of projects. �.You can free download VinylMaster Pro from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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