
This page displays all CXMusicPlayer versions from Softpedia
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All CXMusicPlayer versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 1.0
  • File size: 57 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-16-09
Download CXMusicPlayer CXMusicPlayer

CXMusicPlayer Description

CXMusicPlayer is a reliable music player that enables you to render your favorite songs, as well as to create playlists. The software features a modern looking interface, with animated actions, such as menu opening or cursor movements and can run in minimized mode, so it does not disrupt your work.Intuitive interfaceCXMusicPlayer features a beautiful animated interface, that enables you to enjoy creating playlists or viewing the music rendering. It can display album artwork, if it is available and allows you to choose a new skin at any time, even during playback. You can even load music CDs and use the software to render the tracks. All the available playlists are displayed on the left side, along with a button that enables you to quickly create a new list.You simply need to add the name of the new song group, then proceed to adding music files or import data from the Internet. You can also add the path corresponding to an existing playlist, in order to play music from a certain website. The software supports several types of files, including MP3, WMA, WAV, MID, FLV, FLAC and APE. Additionally, you can associate other extensions, by selecting the option from the Settings menu.Playback and music selectionThe software can only play the files it supports, from a playlist, ignoring the broken ones. You may enable random song selection, playback loop, control the equalizer settings, change the volume or search for the desired track. CXMusicPlayer can match whole words or parts of them. Additionally, you can add song title, artist’s name and album, view the track length, number of times the software has played it and its local path. Reliable and entertaining music playerCXMusicPlayer is designed to enliven any party, work session or dull day, by playing the uploaded songs in high quality. It can play in full window mode or minimized interface mode. Moreover, a song from your local playlist can receive a certain rating, can be shared and can be commented upon, on the dedicated website. You may easily access it, from the shortcut symbols. �.You can free download CXMusicPlayer from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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