Digital Performer

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All Digital Performer versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Digital Performer

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Version: 8.07.63959
  • File size: 949 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-15-09
Download Digital Performer Digital Performer

Digital Performer Description

Digital Performer is a comprehensive and reliable piece of software aimed at musical artists who wish to further enhance the way in which they create songs, by offering them a wide range of options and tools to work with.Advanced user interfaceThe main window of the application is fairly complex yet user-friendly. Nonetheless, users who lack experience with similar utilities may have a relatively difficult time figuring out what everything is supposed to do. As such, they should take their time and patiently browse through the various components of Digital Performer, testing out its numerous functions and try to get the hang of it, which will not take too long.Record, edit, play and mix tracksThe program features the ability to both play and record music, using the appropriate capture devices. Similarly, they can load MIDI or Audio tracks and further manipulate them until they fulfill users' needs. Moreover, users can work with 'Virtual Instruments' to create original sounds and mixes, while the 'Editing' functions of Digital Performer allows them to generate new music or customize existing sounds, with minimal effort. Users can insert, reshape, edit, loop and scrub data in their songs with the 'MIDI Editor', 'Drum Editor', 'Notation Editor', 'Sequence Editor' or 'Waveform Editor'. Also, they can use the 'QuickScribe' tool to write down the music notes for the songs, which they can preserve for later.Moreover, with the 'Mixing' instruments, users can add various audio effects, insert sections, input tracks, faders and other elements. Additionally, users can perform key, meter and tempo changes, as well as insert markers, click changes, streamers, punches or flutters.Efficient music creatorTo conclude, Digital Performer is an advanced application which is meant to provide users with professional tools in creating, mixing and editing music, all from within a complex-looking interface with numerous visible and hidden components. �.You can free download Digital Performer from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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