DiskInternals Uneraser

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All DiskInternals Uneraser versions from Softpedia sources and versions

DiskInternals Uneraser

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: 5.3
  • File size: 8.5 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-11-04
Download DiskInternals Uneraser DiskInternals Uneraser

DiskInternals Uneraser Description

DiskInternals Uneraser is a simple tool that will help you recover most types of files, including text and PDF documents, audio and video files, pictures and images, and almost all other file types, including compressed files and encrypted ones. In addition, you can recover folders and damaged disks with this program as well. But the best feature of DiskInternals Uneraser is that is supports any storage media. This means that you can restore a song you deleted from the memory stick of your mp3 player or a picture shot that you erased from your camera. The program processes floppies, external drives, including flash and USB. Importantly, the program works with any Windows operating system and recovers even hidden system resources that may get damaged during a virus attack. DiskInternals Uneraser supports long filenames as well as non-English character ones. The program recovers all files correctly and ignores access rights (NTFS) when it is necessary. There is a unique algorithm for recovering files form FAT32 volumes in Windows NT, 2000 and XP that no other software has. The recovered files can be saved to any location, including network, as long as that location is visible to host's OS. CD Burning is supported too! Another perk of the program is it capability to create image files for entire hard drives, logical drives, or their parts and to process them like regular disks. The program has very simple interface that resembles Windows Explorer. �.You can free download DiskInternals Uneraser from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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