Portable Coollector Movie Database

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All Portable Coollector Movie Database versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Portable Coollector Movie Database

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: 3.25.7
  • File size: 61.8 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-18-06
Download Portable Coollector Movie Database Portable Coollector Movie Database

Portable Coollector Movie Database Description

If you have a vast movie collection, then you’re probably having a hard time cataloging everything or remembering every actor in the film. Portable Coollector Movie Database is a nice program that can help you keep track of the videos you own. The program has a simple interface that is very easy to work with, which means all users should be able to handle it well. As mentioned, the app can be used to catalogue all the videos on the computer. This means that once the names of the videos have been filed, you can use the program to search for them. Additionally, the app can serve as a medium to search for any movie you want online. It comes with an extensive database of films that you can scan through. It can be quite helpful if you can’t decide what movie to go to at the cinema or what to watch on TV. You may also view the cast and crew of each movie. Clicking on any of the names displays another page with all the movies that actor has been in. The program comes with a filter. For instance, you can choose the movie genre, the country of origin, the year of released and the media type. It’s also possible to mention if the movie is already in the private collection or not. It’s also possible to search for the title or scan the barcode of a film. The bottom line is that Portable Coollector Movie Database is a great tool for all movie enthusiasts. Inexperienced individuals shouldn’t have any troubles while installing or using this tool. Since the app is completely portable, it doesn’t need to be installed to the computer in order to work and it can launched from various types of removable devices, such as flash drives.   �.You can free download Portable Coollector Movie Database from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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