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All CP1 versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows Vista
  • Version: 2.2
  • File size: 1.9 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-01-09
Download CP1 CP1

CP1 Description

CP1 is a lightweight and very easy to understand piece of software whose main function resides in the ability to identify the corresponding RGB and HTML code for any color on your desktop, simply by hovering your mouse cursor over the targeted area.Neat and straightforward user interfaceThe application features a clean and intuitive appearance, its usage being quite straightforward, even for individuals with no prior experience in working with such tools. The main window lets you process a wide array of colors, enabling you to use the keyboard arrows to navigate to a specific pixel, rather than depend on the instability of the mouse.Identify color values just by hovering over a preferred area on your desktopCP1 is able to determine and list fifteen different colors in its main window, namely the last ones you ran your mouse over. When you wish to stop, you can just click on the preferred are and fine tune the position of the cursor using the left, right, up and down arrows.The colors’ values are displayed both in RGB and HTML format, allowing you to copy the code to clipboard automatically, simply by clicking on the preferred entry. Each item that gets copied is automatically memorized by CP1, enabling you to reuse it later on, should you need to.However, the amount of values to be shown in the main window is not customizable, fifteen being a fixed number. On the plus side, the colors that you pick or the pallet history can be exported to a TXT or JSON format file, so you can store them in a document for later usage, with minimal effort.A handy color picking utilityTo conclude, CP1 is a useful and efficient program that can successfully assist you in identifying and working with various color values in your design assignments, supporting both RGB and HTML codes, for broader usability. �.You can free download CP1 from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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