Portable CP1

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All Portable CP1 versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Portable CP1

  • OS: Windows Vista
  • Version: 2.2
  • File size: 931 KB
  • Date Added: 2014-01-09
Download Portable CP1 Portable CP1

Portable CP1 Description

Portable CP1 is a useful and very efficient application created to help you find the proper HTML or RGB value for any color pixel on your desktop, enabling you to use the codes in your design work right away, by copying them to clipboard with a single click.Portability benefitsAs a standalone program, it does not require installation on your computer, meaning you can use it immediately after download, no waiting needed.Consequently, you can place Portable CP1 on a removable memory drive, for instance a USB stick, carrying it with you wherever you may find use for it, yet deleting it without a trace from the host computer.Swiftly determine the RGB and HTML code of any color pixelAfter launching Portable CP1, you can click on the picking tool and proceed to hovering with your mouse cursor over the targeted area, allowing you to preview the colors as well as the RGB and HTML values for each one.Since the movement of the mouse is not sufficiently precise, you can resort to the up, down, left and right arrows on your keyboard to pick the color of a specific pixel on your screen. Clicking on the code corresponding to a certain entry automatically copies it to your clipboard, so you can paste it in the window or document you want to work with.Moreover, the colors you identify with Portable CP1 are memorized by the utility, so you can reuse them in the future, simply by accessing its 'History Palette' section and clicking on the preferred record. At the same time, you can export them to TXT or JSON format for later usage.An intuitive color pickerTo conclude, Portable CP1 is a handy and reliable piece of software which can successfully assist you in picking colors off your screen and revealing their HTML or RGB values, allowing you to paste them in your design app and carry on working. �.You can free download Portable CP1 from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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