SSuite Office - Premium HD

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All SSuite Office - Premium HD versions from Softpedia sources and versions

SSuite Office - Premium HD

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: 2.12
  • File size: 32.5 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-04-07
Download SSuite Office - Premium HD SSuite Office - Premium HD

SSuite Office - Premium HD Description

SSuite Office - Premium HD bundles a set of office tools that are optimized for wide HD computer monitors. The suite includes all the tools you need for performing daily tasks, from a word processor and a spreadsheet application to a pretty useful assignment planner.The included text editor goes by the name of WordGraph and features a tab-based interface, with very large icons, providing fast access to basic formatting options. Various elements can be inserted into the text (from locally stored images and tables to links and emoticons), while the paragraph divider, the equation builder and the character art designing tool help you give a personal note to the document. Unfortunately, there is no support for DOCX documents.Accel is a spreadsheet application that aims to assist you in performing complex calculations, generating conclusive graphs and managing large amounts of data. The suite also comprises an address book manager to help you store detailed information about all your contacts, a note creator (suggestively named CleverNote) that can be used for keeping track of appointments, write reminders, 'to-do' tasks or take notes. Furthermore, the integrated budget and travel expense manager, along with the briefcase organizer can prove useful to any business person.The email client can help you check your inbox and send messages to others, while the photo editor is useful for processing captured screenshots and creating drawings. The package also sports a fast web browser (NetSurfer) that you can use to navigate on the Internet, an image viewer, a screen ruler for measuring different objects, a sorting tool, a system monitoring application, as well as a time-killing Tetris game.One of the advantages worth mentioning is related to the flawless communication between all the applications included in the suite. For instance, you can launch Accel and the Envelope Printer from within WordGraph.The collection of tools that SSuite Office - Premium HD brings you is enough to please even the most demanding users. It offers a cost-free alternative to other expensive office suites, providing a set of applications that can come in handy for both business and home use. �.You can free download SSuite Office - Premium HD from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

SSuite Office - Premium HD

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: 2.10
  • File size: 27.3 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-28-02
Download SSuite Office - Premium HD SSuite Office - Premium HD

SSuite Office - Premium HD Description

SSuite Office - Premium HD bundles a set of office tools that are optimized for wide HD computer monitors. The suite includes all the tools you need for performing daily tasks, from a word processor and a spreadsheet application to a pretty useful assignment planner.The included text editor goes by the name of WordGraph and features a tab-based interface, with very large icons, providing fast access to basic formatting options. Various elements can be inserted into the text (from locally stored images and tables to links and emoticons), while the paragraph divider, the equation builder and the character art designing tool help you give a personal note to the document. Unfortunately, there is no support for DOCX documents.Accel is a spreadsheet application that aims to assist you in performing complex calculations, generating conclusive graphs and managing large amounts of data. The suite also comprises an address book manager to help you store detailed information about all your contacts, a note creator (suggestively named CleverNote) that can be used for keeping track of appointments, write reminders, 'to-do' tasks or take notes. Furthermore, the integrated budget and travel expense manager, along with the briefcase organizer can prove useful to any business person.The email client can help you check your inbox and send messages to others, while the photo editor is useful for processing captured screenshots and creating drawings. The package also sports a fast web browser (NetSurfer) that you can use to navigate on the Internet, an image viewer, a screen ruler for measuring different objects, a sorting tool, a system monitoring application, as well as a time-killing Tetris game.One of the advantages worth mentioning is related to the flawless communication between all the applications included in the suite. For instance, you can launch Accel and the Envelope Printer from within WordGraph.The collection of tools that SSuite Office - Premium HD brings you is enough to please even the most demanding users. It offers a cost-free alternative to other expensive office suites, providing a set of applications that can come in handy for both business and home use. �.You can free download SSuite Office - Premium HD from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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