File Cleaner

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All File Cleaner versions from Softpedia sources and versions

File Cleaner

  • OS: Windows All
  • Version:
  • File size: 7.4 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-27-07
Download File Cleaner File Cleaner

File Cleaner Description

File Cleaner is a comprehensive application specially designed to help you erase Internet and application history tracks from your system, fix Windows errors, speed up computer performance and delete registry entries. Use it regularly to keep your surfing safe, so no one can see where you've been. Using Filecleaner adds security and privacy to your online computer usage. Plus Filecleaner includes a built-in file shredder to permanently erase files from your hard drive. When you delete a file from your computer, it's not completely gone unless it's Filecleaner gone. Windows changes the name of a file, and marks it as free space, but it's not gone. It's still there waiting for something to overwrite it, and until it has been overwritten several times, some forensic techniques can still recover this deleted data. Filecleaner uses secure military grade algorithms to make sure that no one can ever recover your sensitive data once you delete it. If you want to securely delete data so that no one can see it, you need Filecleaner. The best utility on the web for cleansing your deleted personal data. Filecleaner offers you a choice of algorithms designed by professionals specifically for the destruction of deleted data. You can also create your own algorithm using our custom designed algorithm wizard. If you have previously deleted sensitive data and can no longer recall it, you can use the disk clean function of Filecleaner to scrub all free space on the drive. �.You can free download File Cleaner from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

File Cleaner

  • OS: Windows All
  • Version:
  • File size: 7.5 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-17-07
Download File Cleaner File Cleaner

File Cleaner Description

File Cleaner is a comprehensive application specially designed to help you erase Internet and application history tracks from your system, fix Windows errors, speed up computer performance and delete registry entries. Use it regularly to keep your surfing safe, so no one can see where you've been. Using Filecleaner adds security and privacy to your online computer usage. Plus Filecleaner includes a built-in file shredder to permanently erase files from your hard drive. When you delete a file from your computer, it's not completely gone unless it's Filecleaner gone. Windows changes the name of a file, and marks it as free space, but it's not gone. It's still there waiting for something to overwrite it, and until it has been overwritten several times, some forensic techniques can still recover this deleted data. Filecleaner uses secure military grade algorithms to make sure that no one can ever recover your sensitive data once you delete it. If you want to securely delete data so that no one can see it, you need Filecleaner. The best utility on the web for cleansing your deleted personal data. Filecleaner offers you a choice of algorithms designed by professionals specifically for the destruction of deleted data. You can also create your own algorithm using our custom designed algorithm wizard. If you have previously deleted sensitive data and can no longer recall it, you can use the disk clean function of Filecleaner to scrub all free space on the drive. �.You can free download File Cleaner from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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