WildBit Viewer 5.13 / 6.0 Beta

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All WildBit Viewer 5.13 / 6.0 Beta versions from Softpedia sources and versions

WildBit Viewer 5.13 / 6.0 Beta

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: 1.0
  • File size: 17.1 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-30-05
Download WildBit Viewer 5.13 / 6.0 Beta WildBit Viewer 5.13 / 6.0 Beta

WildBit Viewer 5.13 / 6.0 Beta Description

WildBit Viewer is a suite that consists of five separate applications which allow you to view, edit and search for image files, as well as create slideshows and manage profiles.In the "Viewer" you can use the Explorer-based layout to locate and view images. So, you can rotate them, switch to thumbview, enter full screen mode, zoom in and out, view image info and set a picture as wallpaper.Furthermore, you can create a favorites list, set a rating and color label, compare images, generate a file listing, and more.In the "Editor" you can import pictures by using the file browser or the "drag and drop" method. You have access to basic editing tools, such as hand, zoom, deselect, magic wand, lasso selection, line, freehand, box or highlight annotation, crop and resize. But you can also adjust the colors (e.g. contrast, gamma, sharpen) and apply various effects (e.g. blur, edges, emboss, high pass, lens, wave, sepia, red eye reduction). Also, you can capture the Desktop, whole screen (dual monitors), area, object or icon, merge pictures, clear and replace metadata, and more.Additionally, you can search for images on your hard drive according to their name, location, date, size, attributes, IPTC, XMP and EXIF information, create a slideshow and configure settings (e.g. image change, transitions, layout, rotation, photo info), as well as manage profiles for each of the aforementioned application (for example, you can reset the settings of a particular program).WildBit Viewer uses very low system resources, includes a comprehensive help file and didn't freeze or crash during our tests. Its response time is very good. All in all, WildBit Viewer seems to come packed with most of the necessary tools for image processing, so we highly recommend it to all user levels. �.You can free download WildBit Viewer 5.13 / 6.0 Beta from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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WildBit Viewer 5.13 / 6.0 Beta


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