McAfee AVERT Stinger

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All McAfee AVERT Stinger versions from Softpedia sources and versions

McAfee AVERT Stinger

  • OS: Windows All
  • Version:
  • File size: 10.6 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-06-05
Download McAfee AVERT Stinger McAfee AVERT Stinger

McAfee AVERT Stinger Description

Having an antivirus solution installed on the computer is definitely a necessity to ensure that the PC is protected against malware attacks and infections. However, this protection can be doubled by a specialized removal tool, such as McAfee AVERT Stinger.This application is designed to detect and remove a number of viruses easier than a traditional antivirus program and it doesn't require complex configurations.McAfee AVERT Stinger does not require users to install it on their PC, which comes in quite handy, especially considering that viruses often attempt to block installation of security tools.The interface is minimal and user should encounter no problems using it. There are only a few buttons in the main window of the application and you can easily access the Preferences menu to configure the running options of the utility.McAfee AVERT Stinger is a straightforward tool that is developed specifically to fight against certain types of infections. It can detect multiple Autorun viruses, but also Generic Downloaders and FakeAlert infections.The scanning process can take a while to complete, but this depends on the amount of data stored on the computer - a full hard disk might even require more than an hour or two for a complete scan to finish. The duration of a scan is also influenced by the sensitivity level set by the user for the heuristic network check, as well as the targets McAfee AVERT Stinger is meant to process. The application is not quite friendly with computer resources and probably it was not even supposed to be considering its only job is to detect viruses and kill them all.As a conclusion, those who are struggling to get rid of a virus that cannot be removed by regular antivirus programs might find McAfee AVERT Stinger quite useful. �.You can free download McAfee AVERT Stinger from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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