VIPRE Rescue Scanner

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All VIPRE Rescue Scanner versions from Softpedia sources and versions

VIPRE Rescue Scanner

  • OS: Windows All
  • Version:
  • File size: 127 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-30-04
Download VIPRE Rescue Scanner VIPRE Rescue Scanner

VIPRE Rescue Scanner Description

The VIPRE Rescue Scanner application was developed to be a command-line utility that will scan and clean an infected computer that is so infected that programs cannot be easily run.The VIPRE Rescue Program is packaged into a self-extracting executable file (.exe) that prompts the user for an "unpack" or installation location, then starts the scanner and performs a deep scan. The user can start the program either by opening it via windows or from the command line.Virus definitions are included, and the program is self-running once executed. The initial scan, and all subsequent scans, include Rootkit Detection. Four command line options are available, perform a deep scan, perform a quick scan, log the events, and disabling the rootkit.Detections are consistent with the full VIPRE, and the VIPRE Rescue Program is designed to disinfect a system so infected that a user cannot install VIPRE.Usage:- If you are able, download the rescue program to the infected computer, otherwise download the VIPRE Rescue Program onto a USB drive or some other removable media. - Plug the media into the infected computer. - Navigate to the directory that contains the VIPRE Rescue Program. - Double-click on VIPRERescue6701.exe - At the prompt, "Do you wish to extract the VIPRE Rescue Scanner to your computer?" click Yes. - You will be prompted for a destination folder to unzip to. Keep the default (C:\VIPRERESCUE) or enter a new folder, then click Unzip. Make sure the checkbox for "When done unzipping open: .\deep_scan.bat" is checked. - The VIPRE Rescue Program will download the files into the destination folder. Click OK at the prompt. - The VIPRE Rescue Program will open a command line window and run a deep scan. �.You can free download VIPRE Rescue Scanner from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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