Budget Calendar 1.9.318 / 1.9.617

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All Budget Calendar 1.9.318 / 1.9.617 versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Budget Calendar 1.9.318 / 1.9.617

  • OS: Windows All
  • Version: Beta
  • File size: 13.9 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-20-07
Download Budget Calendar 1.9.318 / 1.9.617 Budget Calendar 1.9.318 / 1.9.617

Budget Calendar 1.9.318 / 1.9.617 Description

Budget Calendar is a software tool that provides users with a simple means of tracking your income and expenditures, view the calendar and generate a forecast average balance. Easy-to-handle interfaceAfter going through a smooth and quick installation process, you come by a minimal and clean GUI. It is comprised by a menu bar, a pane in which to view the calendar and another one in which to view detailed information. In addition to that, comprehensive Help contents are incorporated, thus making sure that all types of users can find their way around it. Input information, generate stats and save them to the PC This program enables you to create new budgets with a custom starting balance and a simple click of the button, as well as save it to a custom location to the hard drive as a BGT format.In addition to that, it is possible to input expenses and incomings for each day of the month with ease, along with information such as category, description, date, number of transactions and recurrence details. You can also add an image from a large built-in list and mark payments as “Paid” or “Important.”The current month can be sent to the printer, a list of all made payments can be brought up and you can view a detailed report of all the transactions made. The main window also enables you to view stats such as opening, closing and minimum balance, total income and expenses. Bottom lineTo conclude, Budget Calendar is a pretty efficient piece of software, dedicated to both power and novice users, interested in viewing how they spend their money. It runs quite fast, without putting a strain on the computer’s performance, and without hanging, popping errors or freezing. �.You can free download Budget Calendar 1.9.318 / 1.9.617 from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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Budget Calendar 1.9.318 / 1.9.617


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