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All CPU-Z versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows All
  • Version: 1.69.2
  • File size: 1.4 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-15-07
Download CPU-Z CPU-Z

CPU-Z Description

A necessary software addition to any hardcore PC user, CPU-Z is a feather-light and free utility that gathers system information in a single place. It has been around for a pretty long time and, although it has not received a major update for a while, the app surpasses many other products dedicated to computer diagnostics, thanks to simplicity and efficiency.Hassle-free installation and classical UISetting up CPU-Z takes little time and minimal effort. Those who want to bypass it and run the app directly from a pen drive may resort to its portable counterpart with identical features, named Portable CPU-Z.In terms of interface, CPU-Z has always adopted a blunt look with no visual highlights. Considering the technical nature of the utility, appearance is not that important anyway, as long as information is neatly organized, and CPU-Z sticks to that rule.View hardware details, create reports and validate dataAt startup it may take a while to load all modules, separately classified into CPU, caches, mainboard, memory, SPD and graphics information. Some details are shown in real time, such as the current core and bus speed, along with rated FSB. All data can be exported to a plain text document or HTML file for closer examination and safekeeping. In addition, this info can be submitted online to the developer to validate it.Evaluation and conclusionThe tool has minimal impact on PC performance, since it runs on low CPU and memory. It shows accurate information and worked smoothly during our tests, without triggering Windows to hang, crash or pop up error messages, so users working on older OS versions shouldn't worry. Although it does not come packed with advanced features such as benchmarks for various PC areas, CPU-Z offers a straightforward solution to find out valuable hardware information and even identify some unknown components. Read an in-depth analysis in our professional review for CPU-Z �.You can free download CPU-Z from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia


  • OS: Windows All
  • Version: 1.65
  • File size: 1.4 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-28-06
Download CPU-Z CPU-Z

CPU-Z Description

All avid computer users know by heart all the components located under the hood of their PC. And for this to happen they require a tool like CPU-Z, an application that can provide an impressive amount of information related to hardware resources.There are quite a lot of similar software solutions out there, but CPU-Z is basically the definition of simplicity and efficiency. However, extra care during the installation, as it offers to deploy a browser toolbar, as well as to change the homepage and the search engines of your browsers.After installing CPU-Z, beginners are advised to take the time and read the documentation in order to be able to correctly read the data collected by the application. Every time the app is launched, it automatically scans the computer for changes and displays all the information within a single, tab-based window. This way, users can easily read data regarding the CPU, mainboard, memory or graphics in a matter of seconds and few mouse clicks. Another advantage of this automatic scanning is the fact that one can replace various components, then analyze the way their PC works, thus coming up with the best configuration. If one wishes to review the data at a later time, CPU-Z gives the option to save the report in two different formats, TXT or HTML, generating a complete report about your hardware components.One of the best aspects of CPU-Z is that it comes with a freeware license, so every user can enjoy its benefits with no strings attached. The software provides a great amount of detailed information, while still being extremely light on resources, so that it works smoothly even with older machines, providing an impressive range of data. Read an in-depth analysis in our professional review for CPU-Z �.You can free download CPU-Z from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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