Open In Chrome

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All Open In Chrome versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Open In Chrome

  • OS:
  • Version: 1.5.2
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  • Date Added: 2013-14-07
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Open In Chrome Description

Open In Chrome is a Firefox extension that implements an entry in the Tools menu and a button on the navigation toolbar, enabling users to effortlessly open existing tabs with the Google Chrome web browser. Open In Chrome is an open source add-on designed to work with Mozilla Firefox 3.6 and later.Product's homepage Requirements: · Mozilla Firefox What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ] · New: Open links in Google Chrome through a mouse click. This feature was previously available only through the context menu (right-clicking a link). The preference page has been updated to allow some customization regarding under what specific circumstance a clicked link should be opened on Google Chrome. Lingering bug and workaround: · Issue: If no Google Chrome browser window is opened, migration of"all tabs"from Firefox (may) result in each tab landing in a separate chrome window, instead of as separate tabs in the same Chrome window. · Workaround: Make sure at least one Google Chrome window is opened before migrating a whole set of tabs ("all tabs"). · Comment: This problem was reported by a user previously, but I was unable to reproduce it at that time. It seems the issue is a timing issue (race condition) which results in an undersirable side effect, stemming from how Google has designed the Chrome browser's startup. · When the first Chrome process (window) starts up, it creates a"command and control"process (a book keeper) that keeps track of a bunch of details for each of the browser's tabs and windows. Until that process is started and a Chrome browser window has been brought up, the logic for reusing windows by opening tabs instead of new windows is not available to that browser. · When my addon spews out a bunch of URLs to a non-running Chrome, the browser might not have time to start up the"command and control"process before a number of URLs have already been sent to that browser, and Chrome consequently ("stupidly") then creates new windows for each of the migrated tabs. · There are two ways to address this. One you likely won't appreciate and one you would. The bad one is me injecting a delay after the first URL has been sent to Chrome, each time you trigger the tab"batch migration", so as to reduce the probability that Chrome hasn't fully started when the subsequent URLs hit it. The good solution would be for Google to simply queue up URLs sent to its browser and defer the decision of whether to open windows or tabs until at least their book keeping process has had time to start. · Let me know whether you'd like me to"slow down"the batch-migration, or whether you can live with opening a Chrome instance by hand (or through my extension by initially only migrating a single tab). · Also note that you may not experience this issue at all. Myself I don't experience this problem on OS X or Ubuntu and didn't have it on Windows until last year. If you're one of the people suffering from the problem, then simply launch Chrome before using this addon, as I now do on Windows 7. �.You can free download Open In Chrome from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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