MicroSIP Portable

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All MicroSIP Portable versions from Softpedia sources and versions

MicroSIP Portable

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: 3.4.5
  • File size: 4.1 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-10-02
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MicroSIP Portable Description

MicroSIP Portable is a simple program that helps individuals easily send messages and call their friends or family members. It is compatible with any SIP server or VoIP provider, yet using it without registering is possible. This is the portable version of MicroSIP. Since the application does not require installation, it means that you can easily copy the program files to any location on the hard drive in order to run it. You can also place it on any portable storage unit, such as a USB flash drive, so as to use MicroSIP Portable on any computer that you have access to. It is important to remember that the Windows registry and Start menu/screen are not going to get updated with new entries. The interface is built with a tabbed-like display, enabling you to switch between the dial pad, previous calls, and contacts. Moreover, the design of the UI is rather outdated, seeing that it resembles the one used in Windows 98. However, it is very easy to work with. Once you set up all the account settings (SIP server, user, domain, password etc.), you can start calling or messaging friends and adding contacts. The call history is displayed in the form of a list, containing details like number, date and call duration. Multiple conversations can be opened in the same time, and you can even set up a video call with a buddy. Furthermore, the settings panel enables you to access a number of video and audio codecs, as well as customize the ringing sound and select the devices you want to use (speakers, ringer, microphone and camera). In conclusion, MicroSIP Portable is a lightweight piece of software that helps you to talk with friends and family members. However, the interface can use a little bit more work. �.You can free download MicroSIP Portable from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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