BlueSmart School Management

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All BlueSmart School Management versions from Softpedia sources and versions

BlueSmart School Management

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: 7.1.739
  • File size: 16 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-03-07
Download BlueSmart School Management BlueSmart School Management

BlueSmart School Management Description

BlueSmart School Management is a comprehensive digital assistant, that enables you to run a business, by organizing the administration of schools, clubs or other membership-based associations. You can closely monitor both the administrative aspect of the business, as well as members’ contact details and performances.Main tasks and administration areaThe software is divided by the main tasks, specific to the type of business you are running, and the administrative management tab, that contains data regarding the staff or the company. You can easily monitor members’ contact details and performances.Thus, when running a school, the software is a useful assistant, since it can create numerous class rosters, that enable you to manage student’s attendances, forth-coming events, lessons plans and grades. Moreover, you can manage the tuition payment plan, mention the person in charge with settling the bills, as well as the time period covered by a certain sum. The software prompts reminding windows, displaying the students that are behind with payment of the tuition fees. Moreover, you may view monthly reports of student’s performances, based on their number of points. Organize products and vendorsThe software enables you to set the product selling details, sort the merchandise by provenance, as well as generate invoices and billing details sheets. You may closely monitor the product inventory, order lists, and order tracking. Additionally, you can organize the income and expenses, thus managing the financial aspects of your business as well.You can configure the software, in order to fit the profile of your business, regarding the services you offer, but also the financial and administrative aspects. You can customize the type of payment, tax rates and prices. Moreover, the software enables you to create regular backups for your database, as well as to automate email sending. You may, for instance send reminders to those who are behind with tuition fee payment.ConclusionBlueSmart School Management is a complex application that can be setup in order to fit the profile of your school, club, studio or other membership-based association. You may use its functions in multiple aspects of your business, including provided services, administration, finances, invoice generating, order placing and product selling. �.You can free download BlueSmart School Management from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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