Merge Excel Files

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All Merge Excel Files versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Merge Excel Files

  • OS: Windows All
  • Version: 2014.6.21
  • File size: 3.6 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-23-06
Download Merge Excel Files Merge Excel Files

Merge Excel Files Description

Handling large amounts of data requires a lot of attention, especially when you are dealing with a lot of files. It is recommended to save your information under one large file so that you can access any data, anytime, without searching for the respective file that contains it.When it comes to Excel files, Merge Excel Files provides a fast and suitable way of combining your documents into one large file, using the spreadsheets data provided by several smaller documents. To properly work, the program requires Microsoft Office Excel and .Net Framework installed on your computer.Handy and intuitive spreadsheet combiner The application can help you combine several worksheets into a single Excel file, by combining them and generating a single large file. This way, you can contain your data into a single large file that can be searched for information anytime. Furthermore, you are allowed to batch load files and combine them, not just a couple of them. This is a handy feature, as multiple files can be merged and not one by one.Dependable Excel file merger with user-friendly interfaceBy using the program, you can can combine several PDF files, while choosing the order if binding spreadsheets. Doing so gives you the opportunity to centralize your information. For instance, you can bring related data closer to each other, so that you can find it faster and maintain data consistency at the same time. Aside from this, you can select how you want to merge data, either by creating a single large spreadsheet or a file with multiple sheets.A reliable and powerful file merging utilityAs a conclusion, Merge Excel Files stands out to be a sturdy application that can help you combine your information contained by Excel files into a single large document, so that all the information is centralized and can be easily found when filtered. �.You can free download Merge Excel Files from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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