Excel Utility

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All Excel Utility versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Excel Utility

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version:
  • File size: 271 KB
  • Date Added: 2014-22-01
Download Excel Utility Excel Utility

Excel Utility Description

Excel Utility is a small helper for Excel that can lend a hand to users who want to clear worksheets of spaces and zeros. In addition to this, the program is also able to remove strings defined by the user in a friendly and comfortable manner.As opposed to most Excel assistants, this one does not come in the form of an add-in, but in a standalone form. However, Excel is still a prerequisite without which the application cannot run.Excel Utility is able to process individual files exclusively, as batch conversion is not supported just yet. On the bright side, the support for input files is extra rich and includes XLS, XLSX, XLSB, XLAM, XLA, XLT, XLM and XLW.As soon as you’ve chosen the file to be processed, the program automatically opens Excel so you can view its contents. The next step should be a quick lock inside the Configuration menu, where you can customize the search options in accordance with your needs.As such, you can opt to clean the file of empty cells and / or zeros or to create your own filter, which can be a string or an expression. Also from this section, it is possible to set a limit on the maximum number of rows and columns to be processed.Up next, you can start the search process, which will result in a list of all the rows that match the previously set criteria. Simply select the ones you need removed and save the document after the process has been completed.In conclusion, Excel Utility can become a real helper for users who deal with large Excel files that have bad formatting. The cleanup process takes very little time compared to the amount of time you’d be spending to manually perform this operation. �.You can free download Excel Utility from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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