Actual Virtual Desktops

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All Actual Virtual Desktops versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Actual Virtual Desktops

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: 8.1.4
  • File size: 7.5 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-14-04
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Actual Virtual Desktops Description

If your computer is your workplace, with this virtual desktop manager you will be able to increase your productivity sufficiently - work on multiple tasks simultaneously and stay focused on just those that you need at the moment. Plus, you won't be distracted by what's not currently urgent or necessary and by the crowd of windows on your desktop and icons on the taskbar, as you'll see just those that are related to your current job. Actual Virtual Desktops is a virtual desktop manager that will help you create an activity-focused work environment and remove the unnecessary distractions. The program helps you keep focus by scattering the multitude of piled up application windows over a number of independent virtual desktops and grouping the applications on the desktops by activities they involved into. With Actual Virtual Desktops, you can create as many virtual desktops as necessary, replacing the single, often overcrowded Windows desktop, and utilize the full power of your operating system, including Windows system utilities, in any window on any of your numerous virtual desktops. You can arrange your applications on your desktops by hand or have the program do that automatically. To arrange application windows automatically, simply define the rules telling the program on which desktop the certain window is to be sent whenever it's launched. The program installs seamlessly, doesn't require extensive configuration or in-depth computer expertise. To quickly identify each of your virtual desktops, you can set custom wallpaper on each desktop. To quickly switch between desktops, you can assign custom hotkey to each virtual desktop. And to manage your windows manually within the virtual desktops infrastructure, you can use the typical window control elements like extra caption button, special item in each window's system window menu, customizable hotkeys, etc. Requirements:P-III 600+ CPU128+ Mb RAM10+ Mb free space on HDD Limitations:30-day trialNag Screen What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]German translation is revised.Windows XP/Vista: Command prompt windows launched after starting Actual Virtual Desktops remained unprocessed. �.You can free download Actual Virtual Desktops from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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