Purple Sync And Backup for Windows 8.1

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All Purple Sync And Backup for Windows 8.1 versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Purple Sync And Backup for Windows 8.1

  • OS: Windows 8
  • Version:
  • File size: 465 KB
  • Date Added: 2014-26-06
Download Purple Sync And Backup for Windows 8.1 Purple Sync And Backup for Windows 8.1

Purple Sync And Backup for Windows 8.1 Description

Purple Sync And Backup is a lightweight and easy to understand piece of software aimed specifically at PCs using Windows 8.1 as an operating system, whose main purpose is to help you create duplicates of your most important files and folders.Intuitive and streamlined usageThe application can only be installed from the Store, after which you can begin working with it immediately, prior experience representing more of an advantage, not a necessity.The main window displays the previously created backup profiles, enabling you to build several different ones, for distinct purposes.Create multiple profiles to backup your data in case of a system crashTo create a ‘New Profile’, Purple Sync And Backup requires you to input the source folder and the destination directory, both of which can be either locally stored or on a FTP account, the latter requiring however that you input the host name, port number and access credentials.The backup options let you compare files using their timestamp or their size, while also allowing you to activate deletions, for obsolete documents. Moreover, you can select the exact items to be processed by including or excluding certain files.However, synchronization and backup operations can only be executed manually, as the program does not feature a scheduler to let you configure regularly occurring operations or automate the process for when you are not necessarily paying attention to it.A handy instrument for local and FTP sync and backup tasksTo conclude, Purple Sync And Backup for Windows 8.1 is a useful and efficient utility whose main purpose consists of helping you create duplicates of your most essential data, so you never run the risk of losing them, in case of a system failure. �.You can free download Purple Sync And Backup for Windows 8.1 from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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