Windows Mail Recovery

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All Windows Mail Recovery versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Windows Mail Recovery

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 3.6.0
  • File size: 22 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-05-04
Download Windows Mail Recovery Windows Mail Recovery

Windows Mail Recovery Description

Windows Mail Recovery is an utility especially developed to help you recover lost emails from Windows Mail or Windows Live mail with the least amount of effort.With it you are able to restore important messages along with attachments that were lost due to human error or a malicious attack. Scan your entire computer and recover emailsAs a tool, Windows Mail Recovery is aware of possible differences in operating system configurations and structures and for this reason it enables you to scan both the standard email storage locations, as well as entire drives.To perform a scan all you have to do is select the user to which the emails belong, mark the default Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail locations you want to search in and with an extra click, the application starts to do its job.Preview the found messagesAfter a scan is complete, the application displays all the results in an easy to read list that contains information about the sender and recipient of the email, as well as its subject. Each entry in that list represents a recovered email and when you click it, you can preview its content in a designated section of the main window. Filter the email recovery processA really practical and handy feature that Windows Mail Recovery implement is that it offers you the possibility to add filters to the entire email scan and recovery task. Since the most efficient guidelines for a search are the ‘To’, ‘From’ and ‘Subject’ fields, Windows Mail Recovery enables you to use exactly those. In a straightforward manner you can choose the appropriate rule, condition, value and select whether a scan will have to respect all the guidelines or just one.Recover Windows mail in a few stepsTo sum things up, Windows Mail Recovery is easy to operate, displays a user-friendly interface, offers filtered scanning and allows you to preview the found emails, which add up to a more than decent email recovery tool. �.You can free download Windows Mail Recovery from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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