Nutjitsu for Windows 8

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All Nutjitsu for Windows 8 versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Nutjitsu for Windows 8

  • OS:
  • Version:
  • File size: 249.00 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-19-03
Download Nutjitsu for Windows 8 Nutjitsu for Windows 8

Nutjitsu for Windows 8 Description

Nutjitsu is an arcade game played in a top-down perspective that resembles the famous Pacman game.You'll take on control of a ninja squirrel and must complete several mission to survive. You will have to explore mazes with narrow corridors and try to collect sacred acorns or  scrolls.You must take good care in order to avoid the guards. Each time you step you leave a trail, that slowly vanishes away. If a guard sees the trails, he will become more alert. Here are some key features of"Nutjitsu for Windows 8":Collect as many treasures as you can before being caught by the guards for an epic high score.Draw your path through beautiful hand-painted landscapes as you gather stolen acorns.The more nuts you retrieve, the more samurai you must avoid to continue your quest.Master the art of stealth to gain experience and unlock new levels to explore.Rank up as you play for higher levels.Earn Acoins to purchase upgrades and power-ups.Use smoke bombs, ninja speed, shadow clones, freeze bombs, and flame cloaks to defeat your foes.Complete objectives in Ninja Missions. Requirements:OS: Windows 8 �.You can free download Nutjitsu for Windows 8 from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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