Dofus Online Client

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All Dofus Online Client versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Dofus Online Client

  • OS:
  • Version: 2.17
  • File size: 1.25 GB
  • Date Added: 2013-13-12
Download Dofus Online Client Dofus Online Client

Dofus Online Client Description

A long time ago... a dragon named Bolgrot arrived in the eternal Province of Amakna. The young Rykke Errel was the only one to be courageous enough to face the terrible creature. Instead of reducing him to dust as it could easily have done it, the dragon bowed down before the young knight and swore loyalty to him.Months passed byRykke met Helsephine, a young enchantress, and fell madly in love with her. When he introduced Helsephine to Bolgrot, Rykke would never have guessed what was about to happen. The dragon, mad with rage, killed the sweet Helsephine and flew away, destroying everything on its way.Rykke chased the dragon. When he found it, the old friends confronted each other in a titanic fight. Using his weapons and his magic, Rykke succeeded to bring Bolgrot down. But fatally injured, the young hero died short after.Looking for an explanation... about the sudden violence of Bolgrot, the wise men of Amakna discovered within the entrails of the dragon six unusually colored eggs that were called DOFUS. Later on, it was discovered that when these eggs were reunited their power was absolute but they could not fall in the wrong hands.Absolute, but also unstable. The wise men decided to conceal those terrible relics from the rest of the world.During the following centuries... the secret of the existence of the DOFUS was so well kept that people eventually forgot all about them.But a cursed day among others, the guardians of the secret discovered that the DOFUS had disappeared. The news quickly spread, arousing terror and covetousness.It didn't take long for adventurers to show up in Amakna, attracted by the prospect of glory or plunder. The destiny of Amakna was from then on uncertain and the appearance of numerous creatures as terrifying as they're unknown added to the confusion. Requirements:CPU: Pentium III 700 MHzRAM: 128MB What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]Emerald Dofus quest:A new quest allows the player to obtain the Emerald Dofus: Nowa gave you his Dofawa? You followed the instructions of Ronald the Wise Lenald? You've combed the Evil Forest looking for Dark Vlad? Now it's time to get down to business... and to seek out the Emerald Dofus! Ronald will sent you to meet Meriana, a powerful magician. It is there, at the end of the swamps, that your fate will be decided.The Emerald Dofus bonus is increased retroactively to +200 vitality.The Emerald Dofus is now linked for 4 months (non-retroactively: Dofus obtained before the update will not be linked).Sidekicks:A new Sidekick system allows you to control an additional character in battle. Sidekicks are less powerful than actual characters, they are meant to vary battles and bring an added help to players encountering difficulties to complete or form a team.The Sidekick takes the place of another character in battle (for instance, if 4 players each use 1 Sidekick, the group has a ... �.You can free download Dofus Online Client from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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