Acon Digital Verberate

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All Acon Digital Verberate versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Acon Digital Verberate

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 1.1.0
  • File size: 2.8 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-22-01
Download Acon Digital Verberate Acon Digital Verberate

Acon Digital Verberate Description

If you like creating songs or simply fine-tuning the ones you already created, your main goal is always getting better and better sounds that would impress the audience or that would just make you feel good about yourself. Furthermore, if you ever wondered what would your tunes sound like if they were played in world known music halls, you can try Acon Digital Verberate and simulate the acoustics you choose.The utility is actually an audio plugin that you can integrate within a compatible host software solution that supports VST or AAX plugins.The graphic interface of Acon Digital Verberate enables you to start adjusting all the settings so as to come up with the acoustical environment they are looking for. Among the values you can adjust are the following: dry level reverb level, ER level, reverb time, room size and pre-delay. Additionally, you can modify the modulation rate and depth, as well as stereo spread. Those who do not have the time or patience to properly experiment with all these knobs can rely on the several presets provided within Acon Digital Verberate to serve this exact purpose, to demonstrate the plugin’s real value. Moreover, no matter the preset you selected, you can still manually adjust the decay and gain values so as to notice their influence on the output sound. All in all, Acon Digital Verberate can be a handy addition to the plugin collection you integrate within your favorite audio host application. If you are satisfied with its performance, settings and sounds, you can purchase a license and unlock all of its functions, thus enjoying it at its full value. �.You can free download Acon Digital Verberate from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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