Alpha Clipboard

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All Alpha Clipboard versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Alpha Clipboard

  • OS: Windows All
  • Version: 4.12
  • File size: 6 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-13-08
Download Alpha Clipboard Alpha Clipboard

Alpha Clipboard Description

Alpha Clipboard is and application especially designed to bring you a much more powerful clipboard than the one that Windows provides by default. With it, you can store multiple pieces of copied content, up to 25, and store them in a window that afterwards offers you quick access to it. Content is placed into Alpha Clipboard as soon as you give the copy command, either from the context menu or keyboard and you can access it with a simple click.Alpha Clipboard stores the text in a table that is easy to manage. Clicking an item in it inserts the content into the application that is currently active and if it is an URL, it opens it using your default browser. Some of the content that is placed into the clipboard won’t be fully visible to you so the application comes with a preview window that allows you to see what exactly what it is. Besides storing text you copy, the application also allows you to create custom clips that you can use to insert into documents or various text fields. Alpha Clipboard allows you to create text, graphic, time/date and encrypted clips. It’s a really nice feature to have sine you can use it to timestamp documents or insert your signature at the end of an email. A really useful feature that Alpha Clipboard comes with is the ability to paste content in bulk. This means that you can easily select multiple strings of data and paste them all at once in a spreadsheet, saving you considerable time. Moreover, if your daily routine requires you to paste identical or similar content in different situations, Alpha Clipboard allows you to create a backup of the entries so you don’t have to gather them every time they are needed. In closing, Alpha Clipboard is a nice tool to have around when the Windows clipboard just isn’t enough. �.You can free download Alpha Clipboard from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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