iOS Ads Remover Build

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All iOS Ads Remover Build versions from Softpedia sources and versions

iOS Ads Remover Build

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 1887
  • File size: 8 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-02-05
Download iOS Ads Remover Build iOS Ads Remover Build

iOS Ads Remover Build Description

Software developers often resort to embedding ads in their programs, so as to monetize their projects and get enough incentive to continue their development. The only downside to this situation is that users often get annoyed by these ads, since they prevent them from fully enjoying their games or apps. iOS Ads Remover is a nifty software solution that comes in handy when you want to quickly get rid of all ads from all programs installed on your iOS devices.Connect and scan the apps on your iOS devicesIn order to benefit from the functions of this application, you first need to make sure that you have iTunes installed on your computer, then connect the device you want to process.iOS Ads Remover supports many models and versions of iOS devices, such as iPhone (5S, 5C, 5, 4S and lower), iPad (Air, mini 2, mini, 4 and lower) and iPod (touch 5, touch 4 and others).Once you connect the iOS device to the PC via USB cable, you can start analyzing the installed applications and determine which ones feature ads.Effortlessly remove ads from your iPhone, iPad and iPodAfter the device has been examined, a detailed list with all the installed programs is displayed, specifying a wide range of details, such as the app name and icon, the current version and the size.You can also view which ones come with advertisements, mark one or several of them, then proceed to removing the ads - it needs to be mentioned that you might need to try this a few times, since iOS Ads Remover might occasionally crash so you need to restart it and try again.Enjoy ad-free apps and games on your iOS devicesAll in all, the application has great potential to become a must-have for all iOS users who do not like ads and want to run their iPhone, iPad or iPod programs and games without any distractions.However, due to its occasional glitches, some might prefer to make do without it, rather than spend restarting it a few times until they get it to work properly. �.You can free download iOS Ads Remover Build from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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