Screen Capturer Recorder

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All Screen Capturer Recorder versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Screen Capturer Recorder

  • OS: Windows All
  • Version: 0.10.1
  • File size: 44 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-08-03
Download Screen Capturer Recorder Screen Capturer Recorder

Screen Capturer Recorder Description

Screen Capturer Recorder is a software tool developed in Java which can be used in order to record your desktop and audio contents, save it to the computer or stream it online. This can be particularly useful if you are interested in creating tutorials. The installation process runs smooth and after finalizing it, you come face to face with a minimal and plain UI. It only contains a few buttons and therefore, anybody can learn how to work with it without experiencing issues, regardless of their experience level. From the settings panel, it is possible to change the video or audio device you want to use in order to start recording, choose the output directory or input an URL, and change the resolution from native, to VGA, HD480, HD720 or HD1080. What’s more, it is possible to preview how your recording will look like, as well as specify a number of seconds after which the recording should automatically stop, and show saved videos using Windows Explorer. Although CPU and memory usage was low, in Softpedia tests this software program seemed to slow down the computer’s performance. This means it might be a good idea not to run it alongside demanding utilities. Help contents are not provided, yet seeing how simple it is to handle, it becomes clear they are not actually needed. In conclusion, Screen Capturer Recorder is a pretty decent piece of software when it comes to recording the desktop. We did not detect any errors or crashes, yet its lack of options might ward off power users. �.You can free download Screen Capturer Recorder from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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