Portable Offline Browser 6.6.3944

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All Portable Offline Browser 6.6.3944 versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Portable Offline Browser 6.6.3944

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: SR1
  • File size: 12 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-14-05
Download Portable Offline Browser 6.6.3944 Portable Offline Browser 6.6.3944

Portable Offline Browser 6.6.3944 Description

Portable Offline Browser is a software program that can help you download websites, so you can easily explore them offline when you don't have an Internet connection available. As its name implies, the app is portable. This means that Portable Offline Browser can be stored on a USB flash drive or Flash disk, and saved to any computer.Therefore, you can always have the tool with you when you're on the move. More importantly, no items are left behind in the Windows Registry or on the hard drive after program removal.The interface of Portable Offline Browser is user-friendly. First-time users can take advantage of the new project wizard, in order to quickly download a website.So, you can get started by writing the project URL and name, after which you can limit the depth level. In addition, you can make the program download all files that are linked to the starting page, or skip graphics, audio, video or archives. The downloading location may be the starting URL, starting server or any area; Portable Offline Browser is able to explore all possible subdirectories that it finds. In the last step, you can enable the option to generate a site map, aside from postponing the project or initializing it immediately. Skilled users have the possibility of further customizing project preferences. For instance, you can create a list of user-defined file types to avoid downloading, limit the file sizes, create a URL exclusion list, choose the protocols, and filter downloaded pages by using content keywords.On top of that, you can change the links in the downloaded files (offline or online translation, no translation, or mixed), create recurring tasks, protect websites with passwords, and schedule backups, among others.The software app uses a moderate quantity of system resources, is pretty responsive to commands, includes user documentation and downloads a website in reasonable time (according to its size and the settings you configure). We have not come across any issues during our tests. Less experienced users should be able to quickly figure out what Portable Offline Browser has to offer. �.You can free download Portable Offline Browser 6.6.3944 from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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Portable Offline Browser 6.6.3944


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