Leawo DVD Ripper

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All Leawo DVD Ripper versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Leawo DVD Ripper

  • OS: Windows NT
  • Version:
  • File size: 26.2 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-22-05
Download Leawo DVD Ripper Leawo DVD Ripper

Leawo DVD Ripper Description

Leawo DVD Ripper is a program designed to help you convert DVDs to multiple video types, such as MP4, AVI, MOV and FLV. But it can also extract the audio stream and save it to AMR, M4A, OGG, MP3 and others, as well as prepare clips for iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone and Xbox, among many devices.The app is packed in a user-friendly interface which allows you to import DVDs by using the file browser. It is possible to create a queue and process multiple DVDs at the same time.In the file list you can check out the name, original and trimmed length (if you want to split the clips), along with estimated size, output format and 3D properties of each DVD. By choosing default settings, you can directly establish the output directory and profile, in order to proceed with the encoding procedure.Otherwise, you can make some audio and video modifications when it comes to the codec, quality, size, bit rate, frame rate, aspect ratio, sample rate and number of channels. Settings can be saved to a new profile. Unfortunately, you cannot restore them to default.Additionally, you can preview clips in a built-in media player and capture frames (as PNG, JPG or BMP), apply 3D effects (e.g. side by side, interleaved) and select individual DVD chapters for processing. It is also possible to merge and crop videos, add watermarks (text or image) and make image adjustments (e.g. brightness, contrast), as well as trim clips by time.In the "Options" area you can change the snapshot format, size and directory, enable deinterlacing, streaming MP4 video and a DVD navigator, enable set DVD Ripper to overwrite existing files, select the CPU core number in use and configure proxy settings. Settings can be restored to default.The DVD ripping software requires a moderate-to-high amount of system resources, has a good response time and quickly finishes a task. The output videos have a good image and sound quality. We have not come across any issues during our tests. There is no user documentation available. �.You can free download Leawo DVD Ripper from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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