Mass eMailer

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All Mass eMailer versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Mass eMailer

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 3.5.1
  • File size: 4.6 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-31-12
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Mass eMailer Description

Mass eMailer is a professional software application whose purpose is to help you send bulk email messages to multiple recipients. The layout is intuitive enough to be configured without having to consult a help manual or watch online tutorials. The program gives you the possibility to create a list by retrieving data from Outlook, Outlook Express, or Windows Contacts, or importing the email addresses from CSV, TXT, or VCF files. What’s more, you can group contacts in different categories, create exclusion lists, and manually add a new contact to the list by providing details about the email address, title, name, business and home addresses, phone number, and others. The Message Editor lets you create a new email by specifying the subject, adding attachments, opting for a plaint text or HTML mode, and importing the text from HTML files. Additionally, you are allowed to customize the text in terms of font, size, color, and alignment, insert bulleted lists, upload pictures (e.g. JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG,) and embed links.Other notable characteristics worth mentioning are represented by the possibility to configure the SMTP parameters, limit the number of simultaneous connections, as well as specify the account name and password if the server requires authentification. Last but not least, you can pause or stop the process, and view details about the entire operation, such sent, failed, and excluded items. To sum things up, Mass eMailer proves to be a reliable program that comes packed with a handy set of parameters for helping you send bulk email messages. Thanks to its intuitive interface, it is suitable for all types of users, regardless of their experience level. �.You can free download Mass eMailer from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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