SpyShelter Firewall

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All SpyShelter Firewall versions from Softpedia sources and versions

SpyShelter Firewall

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 3.0
  • File size: 8.7 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-19-02
Download SpyShelter Firewall SpyShelter Firewall

SpyShelter Firewall Description

SpyShelter Firewall bundles anti-logger security tools and a powerful, two-way firewall within a single, intuitive interface. Its main purpose is to protect your computer against malicious attacks and data theft attempts.The application integrates a set of modules that work together in order to add an extra security layer to your system, preventing the logging of keystrokes, clipboard entries, webcam and screen activity, as well as sound recording attempts.After the mandatory system restart, it reveals a comprehensive GUI displaying the protection status and allowing you to configure the rules for each installed application that requires an Internet connection.Users can create lists of blocked applications and set writing restrictions for certain folders and removable drives. You can allow an application to capture live streaming from the webcam, but prevent it from recording sounds.The firewall configuration process requires you to choose the connections to be allowed or denied, create process execution rules and customize the trust level for networks. It can be instructed to automatically permit the access of certified applications or other programs that are considered safe.Unlike other similar utilities, SpyShelter Firewall does not allow you to customize the rules. When a new application tries to access the Internet, you are prompted for action and 'Allow', 'Deny' or 'Terminate' are the only available options. Once you make your choice, the application can be set to remember your selection and block notifications for that particular process.SpyShelter Firewall assures proactive protection against malicious activity by monitoring the system registry and the memory, prevents keylogger applications from recording activity data, while also allowing you to control access to servers and applications. The various security levels enables you to customize its behavior, but choosing the right option in the displayed notification popup windows could pose problems to inexperienced users. Read an in-depth analysis in our professional review for SpyShelter Firewall �.You can free download SpyShelter Firewall from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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