E-XD++ Electronic form Component for C++

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All E-XD++ Electronic form Component for C++ versions from Brothersoft sources and versions

E-XD++ Electronic form Component for C++

  • OS: Windows 7/Vista/2003/XP/2000/98/Me/NT
  • Version: 18.01
  • File size: 19.07MB
  • Date Added: 2013-03-12
Download E-XD++ Electronic form Component for C++ E-XD++ Electronic form Component for C++

E-XD++ Electronic form Component for C++ Description

E-XD++ Electronic form Component for C++ is a Development software developed by ucancode software. After our trial and test, the software is proved to be official, secure and free. Here is the official description for E-XD++ Electronic form Component for C++:

Brothersoft Editor: E-XD++ component Library visual graphics design goals for high-end business users in the development of electronic forms-based input interface or a scalable application system provides a set of VC ++ source code component library, E-XD++ visible graphic component library not only contains all of the XD ++ Professional Edition functionality, while the user interface and data entry and other aspects of a large number of extensions, user can be any standard Windows controls as input components onto E-XD++ visible library of graphical components on the canvas. In addition, E-XD++ component library visual graphics and flexible architecture allows you to connect to the canvas according to your needs, components, attributes, and orders E-XD ++ component library visual graphics to modify any part of.
UCanCode electronic form system contains complete form design and form filler two parts of the system, the design goal is to create a variety of needs that need to repeat any time fill the form provide a price very cheap solution. Design by FormDesigner form Template, and designed a form template can be done by FormReader fill out the form and print, but also by e-mail or other manner of content delivery. UCanCode electronic form system provides the user can quickly use and low cost electronic forms solutions.

E-XD++ e-forms solutions basic working modes:

1. Electronic Forms Designer (Form Designer) - designed to create a blank form template, by means of E-XD++ Enterprise Edition's powerful features
2. fill out electronic forms program FormReader - can be used independently of the professional form filler system, as long as you need, you can download from anywhere in the world form FormDesigner design template file �.You can free download E-XD++ Electronic form Component for C++ from Brothersoft now.
Source: Brothersoft

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