FinOptions XL

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All FinOptions XL versions from Brothersoft sources and versions

FinOptions XL

  • OS: Windows 7/Vista/2003/XP
  • Version: 3.0.2
  • File size: 8.69MB
  • Date Added: 2013-13-11
Download FinOptions XL FinOptions XL

FinOptions XL Description

FinOptions XL is a Business software developed by Derivicom, Inc. After our trial and test, the software is proved to be official, secure and free. Here is the official description for FinOptions XL:

Brothersoft Editor: The FinOptions XL financial Add-in for Microsoft Excel is a comprehensive suite of derivative models with extensive cross asset coverage for the investment professional. Built to support the demand of today's financial markets, FinOptions XL provides the ultimate in accuracy and flexibility to handle complex products and calculate critical the risk analytics required to drive your financial objectives and manage your portfolio of derivatives.

Using market data from your quote vendor, FinOptions XL allows you to value portfolio positions in real-time, including sensitivities such as DELTA, gamma, theta, vega, rho, psi and lambda or calculate implied volatility values based on the prices of exchange traded options.

With over 60 optimized option pricing models, the Derivicom FinOptions XL financial Add-in helps you deliver advanced, easy-to-create business solutions fast. Price option contracts on various assets including stocks, futures, indices, commodities, foreign exchange, fixed income securities, and Employee Stock Options (ESOs). Additionally, various exotic type contracts may be valued such as Average Price and Rate (Asian options), Barrier, Binary, Chooser, Compound, Currency-Translated, Lookback, Portfolio, Rainbow and Spread options. Complex interest rate and Bond option pricing and analytics along with historical volatility evaluation and Curve Fitting functions are included in this comprehensive suite.

FinOptions XL is a straightforward and easy-to-use option pricing and analytics suite with a custom toolbar for quick access to the function library and an intuitive interface to ensure rapid productivity.

FinOptions XL includes 10 professionally designed templates, covering all of the financial functions included within the library. Each template illustrates how to use the available functions and their various inputs empowering you to begin your option Analysis today. �.You can free download FinOptions XL from Brothersoft now.
Source: Brothersoft

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