Net Monitor for Employees

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All Net Monitor for Employees versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Net Monitor for Employees

  • OS: Windows All
  • Version: 3.8.20
  • File size: 7.6 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-26-08
Download Net Monitor for Employees Net Monitor for Employees

Net Monitor for Employees Description

Net Monitor for Employees is a remote monitoring tool created to help you have a direct view of how network computers are being used.This kind of application is very well suited for home, educational and business environments. You can use it to view how children are spending their time on the computer, help out students when they have a question and check up on employees to see if they are working.Creating a connection to the remote computer is a simple task. You first have to install the remote agent on the computers you want to monitor and then enter their IPs, network names and TCP Port in the monitoring console.The application allows you to connect to a remote computer and begin monitoring it immediately as it is started. Since network speeds influence the functionality of the application you can avoid low performance by choosing from one of four color levels that are displayed. Also, you can adjust the refresh interval for all the monitored PCs.Once the application is configured accordingly to your needs, you can start monitoring. Net Monitor for Employees enables you to overlook activity on multiple computer screens at the same time and arrange them in rows. In case you spot something of interest you can zoom in to view the full image.When monitoring, the name of the connected user is displayed so you’ll always know who is at that workstation. In the eventuality that more than one person uses a single PC, you can encrypt the agent and set a different password for each user. This way, you ensure private monitoring.In addition, this tool allows you to install more than one monitoring console, making it possible to view activity from different places.Net Monitor for Employees is a simple to use tool with a user-friendly interface that does a good job at monitoring remote computers without over-complicating things. �.You can free download Net Monitor for Employees from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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