BeSafe Secure Drive

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All BeSafe Secure Drive versions from Softpedia sources and versions

BeSafe Secure Drive

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 1.3.0
  • File size: 4.2 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-05-02
Download BeSafe Secure Drive BeSafe Secure Drive

BeSafe Secure Drive Description

BeSafe Secure Drive is a lightweight and efficient software solution meant to provide you with an easy means of creating virtual drives which you can protect with a password, so no data that you might store on them can be accessed without your personal consent.It does not require an installation process, meaning you can use it immediately after download, launching minimized in the system tray, but not before prompting you to input your password, which you will need to enter every time you wish to access the software.The program is sufficiently simple to work with, despite some counter-intuitive aspects about its interface, such as the lack of an 'Add' button or a similar visible function to enable you to create encrypted drives. Nonetheless, this can be done through the application's context menu, by selecting the preferred option, 'Add', 'Clone', 'Edit' or 'Remove'. When creating a new storage location, you need to enter an access key to encrypt it, then select the preferred options, namely whether to 'Compress Storage' and 'Use Transactions'.However, if you want to create a new storage location, you need to launch BeSafe Secure Drive once again, as the program does not provide you with the option of reopening its is main window once you have finished adding the previous drive. Note that you can only add files to the encrypted storage as long as the tool is running, otherwise they are unmounted, which prevents unauthorized individuals from accessing your data. Moreover, BeSafe Secure Drive is a portable utility, which means you can run it from a USB stick on any compatible computer. This also means that it generates no registry files and it can be removed from your system just by deleting it.In conclusion, BeSafe Secure Drive is a useful and reliable application that allows you to ensure the privacy your most sensitive data by storing it in password-locked virtual drives, thus preventing anyone other than you from accessing it. �.You can free download BeSafe Secure Drive from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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